
Dr. Markku Wilenius, University of Turku


As of Feb 9  2014

A. Peer-reviewed scientific articles


Wilenius, Markku & Schmidt-Bleek Friedrich & Lehmann, Harry (2014). The Challenge of the Whole.  Creating System Policies to Tackle Sustainability. Springer Verlag (forthcoming)

Wilenius, Markku & Kurki, Sofi (2013). Ethics in the Sixth Wave: How New Ethical Companies will Transform Our Economies in the Coming Decades. Futures (forthcoming)

Wilenius, Markku (2013) The Next K-Wave and the Challenge of Global Democracy. Foresight (forthcoming)

Wilenius, Markku (2013) Leadership in the Sixth Wave. Excursions into the New Paradigm of the Kondratieff Cycle 2010-2050. European Journal of Futures Studies (forthcoming)

Wilenius, Markku & Casti, John (2013). The Sixth K-Wave and the Shocks That May Upend It Technological Forecasting and Social Change (forthcoming)

Wilenius, Markku (2013). Society, Consciousness and Change.  An Inquiry into Pentti Malaska’s futures thinking. Futures (forthcoming)

Wilenius, Markku (2013) On Becoming Smarter. Resources, Finland and the Future of Global Change. Global Environmental Change (forthcoming)

Wilenius, Markku (2010) Demographic Change as a Challenge for Societies at Large. In From Grey to Silver: Managing the Demographic Change Successfully. Edited by Sven Kunisch, Stephan Boehm&Michael Boppel. Springer-Verlag. Berlin

Wilenius, Markku & Malmelin, Nando 2009) Towards Sustainably Managed Media Organizations. Business Strategy Series vol.10 No.3

Wilenius, Markku (2008) Taming the Dragon. How to Tackle the Challenge of Futures Foresight. Business Strategy Series vol.9 No.2

Wilenius, Markku (2006) Cultural Competence in the Business World: A Finnish Perspective. Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 27, No 4, 2006. E

Wilenius, Markku (2005) Towards the Age of Responsibility? Emerging Challenges for the Business World. Futures. Vol. 37, numbers 2/3 March / April 2005, ISSN 0016-3287

Wilenius, Markku (2005) A vision for Europe? In: Wider Europe, Edited by Kari Liuhto and Zsuzsanna Wincze. Conference proceedings. ISBN 951-564-281-7

Kaivo-oja, Jari – Luukkanen, Jyrki – Wilenius, Markku (2004) Defining alternative national-scale socio-economic and technological futures up to 2100: SRES scenarios for the case of Finland. In Boreal Environment Research vol. 9, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku (2002) Sustainable Development and Human Capital in the Network Society: The Challenges Europe is Facing in the Future. Communication & Cognition, vol. 35, Nr. 1 & 2

Wilenius, Markku – Kamppinen, Matti (2001) Risk landscapes in the era of social transition. Futures, Vol. 33, no. 3-4, pp.307-317

Wilenius, M. – Malaska, P. – Kamppinen, M. (2001) Citizenship and ecological modernization in the information society. Futures, Vol. 33, no. 3-4, pp. 219-223

Wilenius, Markku – Kamppinen, Matti (2000) Introduction: A guideline for living beyond information society. Foresight Vol. 02, no 02, apr. 00, pp.147-150. Wilenius, Markku (1999) Luonto informaatioajassa: Castells uuden kulttuurin jäljillä [Nature in the Information Age: Castells and the New Culture]. Sosiologia 2/99, pp. 135-142

Wilenius, Markku (1999) ”Tales of Transition. Futures Studies and Sociological Explanation”. International Review of Sociology,Vol. 9, No. 3, November 1999, pp. 373-385

Wilenius, Markku – Masini Barbieri, Eleonora (1999) Introduction: Futures Studies and Sociology. International Review of Sociology, Vol. 9, No. 3, November 1999, pp. 283-285

Wilenius, Markku (1999) Sociology, Modernity and the Globalization of Environmental Change. International Sociology, Vol. 14, No. 1, March 1999, pp. 33-57

Wilenius, Markku (1998) A New Globe in the Making: Manuel Castells on the Information Age. Acta Sociologica, Vol. 41 (4), 1998, pp. 269-277

Wilenius, Markku – Tirkkonen, Juhani (1998) Building A Regime for Climate Protection: Finland and International Climate Policy. Global Environmental Change, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1998, 23 pages

Wilenius, Markku – Tirkkonen, Juhani (1997) Climate in the Making: Using Delphi for Finnish Climate Policy. Futures, Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 845-862

Wilenius, Markku (1996) From Science to Politics: The Menace of Global Environmental Change. Acta Sociologica, Vol. 39, No. 1, 1996

Wilenius, Markku (1996) Yhteiskuntatieteellisestä ympäristötutkimuksesta Suomessa [About Environmental Sociology in Finland]. Sosiologia 4/1996

Wilenius, Markku (1996) Kristallipallo ja maapallo: ympäristö sosiologin kohteena [Chrystal Ball and Earth: Environment as a Topic of Sociological Analysis]. Tiede & Edistys 4/1996

Wilenius, Markku (1994) Kemiallisista poliittisiin reaktioihin. Modernin murros ympäristöongelmien tematisoitumiskenttänä [From Chemical to Political Reactions: The Transformation of Modernity as a Field of Environmental Conflicts]. Janus 4/1994


B. Non-refereed scientific articles


Wilenius, Markku (2013) Tulevaisuus systeeminä –Pentti Malaskan yhteiskunnallisesta ajattelusta. Futura 2/2013

Wilenius, Markku (2011) Uusi maailmanjärjestys ja globaalidemokratian haaste. Huomioita murroksen keskeltä ja lintuperspektiivistä [New World Order and the Challenge of Global Democracy]. Futura 2/11

Wilenius, Markku (2005) Näkökulmia Suomen koulutus- ja innovaatiojärjestelmään. Futura 4 / 2005, pp. 51-57. ISSN 0785-5494

Wilenius, Markku (2003) Tuhannen vuoden haaste. Futura 1/2003, 30-37. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen seura ry, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku. (2002) The Road Less Travelled. Sustainable Development as the Ultimate Chance. Futura 2/2002. 8-10

Wilenius, Markku – Tirkkonen, Juhani – Tapio, Petri. (2002). The development of climate discourse: internationally, in Finland and in Finnish transport futures studies. In publications Käyhkö, J. – Talve, L. (eds.) Understanding the global system. The Finnish perspective. FIGARE Painosalama, Turku. 193-199

Wilenius, Markku (2002) “The World in 2015 According to Johannesburg”. Geneva Association Information newsletter nro 32, November 2002 7-10

Wilenius, Markku (2002). Maailma vuonna 2015 ja elämä Johannesburgin jälkeen. [World in 2015 and Life after Johannesburg] Ulkopolitiikka 3/2002. 12-24

Wilenius, Markku, Tirkkonen, Juhani & Kaivo-oja, Jari (2001) Ilmastoneuvotteluiden tuskainen taival kohti Kioton pöytäkirjan toimeenpanoa [ The Long and Winding Road of Climate Negoatiations and the Implementation of Kyoto Protocol]. Ulkopolitiikka. Vsk. 38, No. 4, 116- 129

Wilenius, Markku (2001) Opening Speech for the Quest for the Futures. In Stevenson, Tony & Masini, Eleonora Barbieri, Rubin, Anita & Lehmann-Chadha, Martin (eds.)(2001) The Quest for the Futures: A Methodology Seminar in Futures Studies. Selection from the Methodology Seminar in Futures Studies, Turku, Finland, June 12-.15, 2000. Finland Futures Research Centre. World Futures Studies Federation. Painosalama Oy, Turku, pp. 13-14

Wilenius, Markku (2000) Tulevaisuus, teknologia ja ihminen. Future, Technology and Humankind. (Article in English and in Finnish). Arkkitehti – The Finnish Architectural Review 1/2000. pp. 26-31

Wilenius, Markku (1999) Murroksen merkit ja tulevaisuuden idut: mitä teollisuusyhteiskunnan jälkeen? [The Signs of Transformation and the Seeds of Future: What After Industrial Society?] Futura 1/99. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen seura ry. Pp. 29-38

Wilenius, Markku (1997) Social Scientist in Orbit: The Earth and the Challenges of Environmental Sociology. In Sociological Theory and the Environment, Proceedings of the Second Woudschoten Conference of Research Committee 24 Environment and Society (International Sociological Asssociation). Edited by Gijswijt, August & Buttel, Frederick & Dickens, Peter & Dunlap, Riley & Mol, Arthur & Spaargaren, Gert. SISWO, University of Amsterdam, 1997, 15 pages

Wilenius, Markku – Tirkkonen, Juhani (1996) Assessing the Climate Change Interaction between the Research Community and Decision-makers. In Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme. Report Nr 8. HDP: Geneva 1996

Wilenius, Markku (1996) Environmental Sociology in Finland. International Sociological Association, Newsletter of the Research Committee 24 (Environment & Society), No 9. 1996

Wilenius, Markku – Järvelä, Marja (1995) Climate Change, Living Environment and Ways of Life. In Zwerver, S. & van Rompaey, R.S.A.R. & Kok, M.T.J. & Berk, M. M. (eds.) Climate Change

      research: Evaluation and Policy Implications. Studies in Environmental Science 65 B. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1995

Wilenius, Markku (1993) Between Economy and Ecology. A Study of Finnish Environmental Elites. In Proceedings of First Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences. Kuopio, 1993


C. Scientific books/ Monographs


Wilenius, Markku & Kurki, Sofi (2014). Resourcing  the Sixth Wave. How to Create a More Sustainable Future Through Radical Renewal. Finland Futures Research Centre, e-publication 1/2014

Wilenius, Markku & Kurki, Sofi (2012). Surfing the Sixth Wave. Exploring the Next 40 Years of Global Change. Finland Futures Research Centre, e-publication 10/2012

Wilenius, Markku & Casti, John & Ilmola, Leena & Rouvinen, Petri (2011). Extreme Events. Taloustieto, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku & Malmelin, Nando (2008). Välittäjät. Vastuullisen viestinnän tulevaisuus [Intermediators. The Future of Responsible Communication]. Gaudeamus, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku – Ståhle, Pirjo (2006) Luova tietopääoma – tulevaisuuden kestävä kilpailuetu. [Creative Knowledge Capital. Sustainable Competitive Advantage of the Future]. Edita Publishing Ltd, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku (2004) Luovaan Talouteen. Kulttuuriosaaminen tulevaisuuden voimavarana. [Towards a Creative Economy. Cultural Competence as a Future Resource] SITRA publications n:o 266. Edita Publishing Ltd, Helsinki

Wilenius Markku (2003) Ubi Es? The Futures of Personal Navigation. A Report to the NAVI- programme. Ministry of Communication and Transportation

Wilenius, Markku & Aaltonen Mika (2002). Osaamisen ennakointi. Pidemmälle tulevaisuuteen, syvemmälle osaamiseen [Foresight Competence. Further towards the Future, Deeper Towards Competence Building] . Edita, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku & Puolanne Eero (2002). Elintarviketalouden reunaehdot vuoteen 2030 menessä 2030, ETU 2030 [The Future Conditions of Finnish Agriculture and Food Industry, ETU 2030 -project]. Publications of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 9/2002


D.  Publications intended for professional communities


Wilenius, Markku (2011). Onko Suomesta edelläkävijäksi? [ Finland as a Pioneering Country?] In the publication Ympäristötietoisuus Suomessa [Environmental Awareness in Finland]. Rakennustieto, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku (2011) Johtajuus kuudennessa aallossa [Leadership in the Sixth Wave].  Tieto ja osaaminen kilpailuetuna [Knowledge and Competence as an advantage]. Kauppalehti publications

Wilenius, Markku (2011) Kohti edelläkävijyyttä/Towards Pioneering Status. Assessment of the Foresight Report on Long-Term Climate and Energy Policy. Prime Minister’s Office: Publications 3/2011

Wilenius, Markku (2010 ) Education as Innovation. In Portraying Finland Otava, Helsinki Wilenius, Markku (2010 ) Tulevaisuuden arkipäivä (Ordinary Day in the Future). In Tieteen päivät 2011, Gaudeamus, Helsinki University Press

Wilenius, Markku (2006) Tulevaisuuksien näkeminen haasteena. Teoksessa De Urbe Uloa – Menestyksen avaimet pp. 72–80. Suomen Kotiseutuliiton julkaisuja A:13

Wilenius, Markku (2006) Yhteiskunta, Tulevaisuus ja Ennakointi. Teoksessa Uusi Jako: Miten Suomesta tuli kilpailukyky-yhteiskunta. [Society, Future and Foresight. In: New Deal: How Finland became a competition-oriented society]. Gaudeamus, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku (2005) Tulevaisuuden johtaminen. Teoksessa Ståhle, Pirjo (ed.) Tietopääoman johtaminen. [Managing the Future. In: Ståhle, Pirjo (ed.) Managing Intellectual Capital.] Kustannusosakeyhtiö Kauppalehti, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku (2005) Education as Innovation. Investing in Knowledge And Expertise. In Kolbe, Laura (ed.) Portraying Finland – Facts and Insights. Otava, Helsinki

Wilenius, Markku (2005) Yhteiskunnallisen ennakoinnin rooli tulevaisuuden haasteiden tunnistamisessa. [The Role of Social Foresight in Monitoring Future Challenges] TUTU-julkaisu nro 1/2005

Hietanen, Olli – Wilenius, Markku et. al. (2002) Tulevaisuusajattelun haasteita: tietoyhteiskunta ja kestävä kehitys [The Challenges of Futures Thinking: Information Society and Sustainable Development]. In Publication Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen perusteet[Foundations for Futures Studies]. SKS, Helsinki. 405-458

Wilenius, Markku – Aaltonen, Mika. (2002) Osaamisen ennakointi yrityksen kehittämisen haasteena [Foresight Competence as a Challenge for Corporations]. Teoksessa Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen perusteet [Foundations for Futures Studies]. SKS, Helsinki. 819-840

E. Publications intended for the general public


Several hundred columns and small articles published in press

Over 150 radio and television interviews over the years

Over 200 interviews in journals, magazines and daily papers


F. Public artistic and design activities


Six-programme series “tulevaisuuspaja” [Futures Workshop] in Finnish national Broadcasting Company (YLE) together with professor Pirjo Ståhle in Autumn 2007. The programme dealt with future innovations critical to Finland ́s long-term future success.

G. Doctoral theses


Wilenius, Markku (1997) Faust on Wheels. Conceptualizing Modernization and Global Climate Change. The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters and The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. Helsinki. Doctoral Dissertation. 170 pages.


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