
Category: Live appearances

Speaking at UCL Institute

Here is my presentation from June 2015, talking in University College of London, at the Institute for Sustainable Resources on Sixth wave and smart

The Future of Earth

I visited early this year Maldives, paradise islands in the middle of vast Indian Ocean. Blessed with eternal sun and nice warm temperature,

The Future of Spirituality

Christmas time is the very best time to think about how spirituality will affect to the future of mankind. Spirituality to me means “staying spirited

Futures studies is about the method

In his latest book  “How to measure your life” -much more personal than everything else he has written -the nr 1 innovation study guru Clayton

Itsenäisyytemme paaluttajat: Lönnrot, Runeberg ja Snellman

Nyt itsenäisyyspäivänä on syytä muistella hetki niitä aikoja, jolloin Suomen itsenäisyys oli vain kaukainen haave. Menkäämme ajassa lähes

Higher education and the future of learning

Yesterday I participated a panel organized by our Ministry of Education and Culture in Oulu university headquarters. All the key representatives of

Filicon Valley is Born

Rewind two days ago in a mass-centre middle in Helsinki. Nokia has called up an extra gathering to stamp the decision to sell the phone business to

Hope, evolution and change

Yesterday I was chairing the panel assessing the so called Himanen Report, commissioned by our Prime Minister’s office. While preparing for that

An evening with Planet Brothers

Two nights ago I had the pleasure to spend an evening (and part of the night) in studio with two amazing finns, guys called Riku & Tunna, men

Sustainability, Future and Finance

Last week I was talking in a conference organized by Morningstar, a huge global financial operator . In the conference, a cream of financia

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